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Secret Code Words in Line Structure Method

The LINE Structure method is can be used for Encrypt secret words. First take a note book or paper. Then draw the lines and write letters as in the  picture. Now just draw Part of the Line of your secret text. Each column has two letters. So, you have to use (.) DOT for second letters in column. i.e. the PASSWORD is your secret word. P = the letter P is second place on 8th column. That's why put the DOT for P structure. A = the letter A is 1st place on first column. That's why you don't need use the DOT for A structure. Just draw the line only for letter A. Do like this for all of your letters, and make your words with Encrypted .

Encrypt Your Password by Notepad++

Encrypt Your Password: Open Notepad++ . Enter your PASSWORD or Secret Words/Numbers in Notepad++, and select all them by pressing Ctrl + A . Now, go to Plugins > NppCrypt > Encrypt . And then Enter Your Password , then click OK button, and Re-enter Your Password , then click OK button again. (You can choose your desire ENCODING type by choosing " ascii " " hex " " bae64 ", and also can change Cipher by select it.) Note : If you change Encoding and Cipher options after the Encrypting your Password, then you can't Decrypt your Password. So, don't change Encoding and Cipher option after Encryption. Decrypt Your Password: Just go to Plugins > NppCrypt > Decrypt . And enter your old Password to Decrypt your Text. Download Notepad++

Secure Your Documents in Microsoft Word - PASSWORD Protect

Protect Your Microsoft Office Word Document, Excel, Access, Powerpoint with PASSWORD by this method. Set a Password in a Word Document: Click the Microsoft Office Button . Select Prepare , and then click Encrypt Document . Enter your Password in dialog box, and Re-enter Password , and then click OK . To save the password, Save the file. Remove Password Protection from a Word Document: Open your password protected document. Click the Microsoft Office Button . Select Prepare , and then click Encrypt Document . In Password dialog box, DELETE the password to remove your password, and then click OK . Save the file. Set a password to modify a Word Document: The modify options is used for give permission others. READ ONLY / MODIFY Click the Microsoft Office Button , click Save As . And on the bottom of the Save As dialog, click Tools . On the Tools menu, click General Options . The General Options dialog opens. Now you need en...

Locker is Hold by Itself as Well



He is on #10

Crack it

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